COM 1010 Chapter 1

  1. 5. Communication that proceeds by question and answer
  2. 6. Occurs at the same time
  3. 7. Message that refers to another message; it is communication about communication
  4. 12. A general statement or principle applicable to related phenomena
  5. 13. The process of putting a message into a code - for example, translating nerve impulses into speech sounds
  6. 14. Communication between two persons or among a small group of persons
  7. 15. Communication that takes place within an organization among members of the organization
  8. 16. Communication from one source to many receivers, who may be scattered throughout the world
  9. 17. Communication among members of groups of about 5 to 10 people
  10. 19. Communication between a speaker and an audience, which may range in size from several people to hundreds, thousands, and even millions
  11. 20. Any person or thing that creates messages. A source may be an individual speaking, writing, or gesturing or a computer sending an error message
  1. 1. Information you provide before sending your primary messages
  2. 2. The process of extracting a message from a code - for example, translating speech sounds into nerve impulses
  3. 3. A general term that includes all forms of communication between people that take place through some computer, electronic, or Internet connection
  4. 4. Communication you have with yourself
  5. 8. Any signal or combination of signals transmitted to a receiver
  6. 9. Communication between and among people
  7. 10. The principle of verbal interaction that claims that communication takes place only to the extent that the parties communicating share the same system of signals
  8. 11. Does not take place in real time
  9. 18. The ability to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages, to interact with media, and to use the available resources to create your own media messages