- 5. medical treatment that prevents patients from feeling pain
- 6. the nurse on call the night of Berman's surgery
- 9. which floor was the interns all rushing towards
- 10. the cause of the comas could have been _____
- 12. how many days has Nancy been in a coma for
- 15. Bellows was in a _____ when susan went to the ICU
- 16. chief of medicine
- 20. Story takes place in Boston memorial _____
- 21. what did susan find when she was roaming around
- 24. what type of lab was Susan walking towards
- 25. the medical charts were placed in the ______ through the lab
- 26. crawford had ___ cases between the past 2 years
- 28. thing that susan used to wake up every morning
- 29. very good anesthesiologist resident
- 30. erotic interest in oneself
- 31. who the susan go to after she noticed new information about the coma patients
- 1. susan’s proposal of the research got rejected
- 2. new intern
- 3. an engineer;patient after Nancy
- 4. an engineer; patient after Nancy
- 7. intensive care unit
- 8. susan pinched nancy's ___ to see if she would react
- 11. susan's professor that give them lectures
- 13. first anesthesia freak accident patient
- 14. how long has Susan a medical student
- 17. Ferrer and _____ were the two patients in Beard 6
- 18. person who explained how to revive a heart
- 19. a resident there who has worked there since 15 y/o
- 22. ____problems were a common symptom among the coma patients
- 23. state of deep unconsciousness
- 27. when the heart suddenly stops beating