
  1. 7. The slow, low-temperature combustion of a material without flames, often producing smoke and heat.
  2. 10. A burning process characterized by flames, heat, and light, resulting from combustion.
  3. 11. The process of burning something, producing heat, light, and often smoke.
  4. 12. A colorless, odorless reactive gas, the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air.
  5. 14. A gas produced during combustion, consisting of carbon and oxygen atoms.
  6. 17. Energy transferred from one object to another due to temperature difference, often involved in starting and sustaining combustion.
  7. 19. The blackened, partially burned material left after incomplete combustion, often found in wood or other organic matter.
  8. 20. The process of converting a liquid or solid into a vapor or gas, often preceding combustion.
  9. 21. A small, hot particle produced by friction or electrical discharge, capable of igniting flammable materials.
  1. 1. The mixture of gases, particles, and water vapor produced by combustion, often visible as a cloud.
  2. 2. The action of setting something on fire or starting to burn.
  3. 3. A hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.
  4. 4. The powdery residue left after burning a material, consisting mainly of minerals.
  5. 5. Easily ignited and capable of burning quickly, often used to describe materials that can catch fire easily.
  6. 6. A closed space where combustion occurs, often found in engines, furnaces, and other combustion devices.
  7. 8. Resistant to burning or ignition, often achieved through the use of fire-resistant materials or coatings.
  8. 9. Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
  9. 13. Fine black particles of carbon produced by incomplete combustion of organic matter.
  10. 15. The controlled burning of waste materials to reduce their volume and convert them into ash, gases, and heat.
  11. 16. A compound made of hydrogen and carbon atoms, often found in fuels like gasoline and natural gas.
  12. 18. A substance that provides oxygen for combustion, often used in rocket propellants and fireworks.