Comic Books and Storytelling

  1. 2. Adds color to the pictures
  2. 6. Draws the comic
  3. 8. Another word for comic books--graphic __________
  4. 9. The type of story
  5. 10. What happens in a story
  6. 12. When conflict comes from the outside
  7. 13. Writes the comic, often in script form
  8. 14. Contains narration--____________ box
  1. 1. The problem of the story
  2. 3. When conflict comes from the inside
  3. 4. The space between the panels
  4. 5. Another word for comic books--____________ art
  5. 7. Adds text to the pictures
  6. 11. The bubble containing spoken words or thoughts--word or thought __________
  7. 15. The box that contains the comic
  8. 16. Covers the drawings in ink to give them weight and depth