COMM 390 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. Ultra-argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, and other aggressive tactics
  2. 7. Communication within oneself; self-dialogue
  3. 10. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by social development as opposed to biological development
  4. 12. The idea that people make life choices based on a cost-benefit analysis of what better meets personal goals
  5. 14. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals
  6. 15. Focusing discussion on the interaction process; communication about communication
  7. 18. In attribution theory, where one ascribes motivations for personal behavior to a personal character trait when it is most flattering and to situation constraints to diminish personal responsibility
  8. 22. A struggle among a small number of interdependent people arising from perceived interference with goal achievement
  9. 26. A relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  10. 27. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by biological development rather than social development
  11. 32. Communication to bring the perceptions and expectations held by different people closer together
  12. 33. A behavioral theory that holds that individuals learn what attitudes and behaviors are appropriate through observation and social interaction
  13. 34. Climates in which individuals feel safer and mare more likely to engage in productive problem solving and conflict management
  14. 35. A party’s preference for the depth or type of connection to another person
  15. 36. A theory that highlights the complex nature of life and holds that the interdependency of all the relationships among individuals in a system, as well as the surrounding environment, must be considered to understand the whole
  16. 37. The concept that people consistently make sense of the world by assigning meaning and motives to others’ behaviors
  17. 38. The event that precipitates a conflict episode
  18. 39. The general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  1. 1. An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one’s place in it
  2. 2. The view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent
  3. 3. Tentative explanation for an observed behavior
  4. 4. Anything perceived to be in short supply
  5. 6. The end or desired condition
  6. 8. The mistaken idea that communication processes work like machines where one component can be removed and understood apart from the system in which it occurs
  7. 9. Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim
  8. 11. Arises from a focus on the underlying needs on each of the parties rather than on their surface demands
  9. 13. Climates that are associated with cooperative and competitive tactics, and can be determined by the extent individuals feel valued by others
  10. 16. Conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinterpretation
  11. 17. The public or private image one holds about oneself
  12. 19. Conceived an internal struggle between the id and superego
  13. 20. What one says one’s goals were after a conflict episode ends
  14. 21. A theory that models the outcomes of conflict based on choices made by players through a rational process
  15. 23. Situations where an individual’s goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitive
  16. 24. An interaction theory advance by Delia and others, that holds individuals create meaning and interpret reality through a series of personal constructs or schemas
  17. 25. A theory that explores communication as a machine with discrete parts that function in preset sequences
  18. 28. Explanations that focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes
  19. 29. Assuming a behavior was caused by factors inherent to the person, such as personality, values, or characteristics, and not some external situation
  20. 30. Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong
  21. 31. A distributive view that resources are limited. As they are allocated, the amount of resources left ultimately will reach zero
  22. 34. One’s view of oneself