comm test

  1. 3. ______ probation typically consists of placing offenders in prison for a short period and later releasing them onto probation at an unknown date
  2. 4. A city set aside as a form of neutral ground from criminal prosecution
  3. 6. _____ conditions are rules that are tailored specifically to the individual
  4. 8. ____ ____ requires clients to complete a number of hours working for free in the community to pay back for their offense
  5. 9. A criminal sentence to a period of correctional supervision in the community in lieu of incarceration
  6. 11. _____ violations occur when the rules of supervision are broken
  7. 12. ______ violations occur because of a new arrest during supervision
  8. 13. _____ probation is the basic form of supervision that is administered by most agencies
  9. 14. ____ was first used in 2002 to track client’s movements in real-time and can include areas of exclusion, geographic areas where the client is not allowed to go
  1. 1. _____ = probation sentence that starts after an incarceration sentence
  2. 2. Judicial action that suspended incarceration as an act of leniency and mercy
  3. 5. _____ is the future state of an individual, or how well someone does after supervision
  4. 7. ____ _____ are treatment facilities that offenders are required to report to on a daily or near daily basis and are kept busy with classes and treatment
  5. 8. _____ = probation sentence that runs during incarceration sentence
  6. 10. _____ theory argues that calling someone a criminal may encourage criminal behavior