Commerce in an Interconnected Word

  1. 1. A group of 20 members that discuss global economic issues
  2. 3. Another word for overseas
  3. 6. Goods and service exchange between countries
  4. 9. International market place for goods/services are to be sold
  5. 10. Goods or services brought in from another country
  6. 11. A movement that ensures producers in developing countries get fair wages
  7. 13. Financial Assistance provided by the government
  8. 15. Process involved in the production and distribution of goods
  9. 18. Exchange of goods and services across national borders
  10. 20. Process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence worldwide
  11. 22. Financial assistance funded by other countries
  1. 1. The interconnected global economic system involving trade
  2. 2. Trade between countries without tariffs
  3. 4. Reducing government restrictions to allow more free market policies
  4. 5. Unequal distribution of resources
  5. 7. Goods or services sold to other countries
  6. 8. Taxes on imported or exported goods
  7. 12. Gross Domestic Product Abbreviation
  8. 14. World Trade Organisation Abbreviation
  9. 16. Putting money into infrastructure or property
  10. 17. Contracting work to external companies
  11. 19. Adhering to moral principles
  12. 20. A group of 7 majorly advanced economies
  13. 21. Economic policies that are designed to restrict imports