Common Baking Terms

  1. 1. Cook a food in slightly boiling water/liquid
  2. 5. Cook a food so that the sugar in the food becomes brown, or a caramel
  3. 8. Cut a food into slices (picture e.g., onion)
  4. 9. Cut a food into small cubes
  5. 10. Heat a solid food so that it becomes liquid
  6. 11. Remove excess liquid from a food by placing it in a colander
  7. 13. Cut a food into 4 equal pieces
  8. 17. Break a food into smaller pieces so that it becomes like a paste
  9. 18. Break a food into smaller pieces
  10. 20. Cut a food into small boxes
  11. 23. A food that is kind of warm but not hot
  12. 24. Cut a food into 2 equal pieces
  13. 26. Add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to a food so that it tastes better
  14. 27. Cook a food in oil at a high heat while stirring it
  1. 1. Remove the outer covering or skin from a fruit or vegetable
  2. 2. Remove the middle part, and seeds, from a food
  3. 3. Cook a liquid at just before boiling (show example and place next to boiling)
  4. 4. Shred a food into small pieces (using a grater – picture)
  5. 6. Cook a food by placing it on a hot grill (picture)
  6. 7. Mix foods together
  7. 8. Cook a food by heating it in the hot steam that forms when water boils
  8. 10. Cut a food into very small pieces (e.g., garlic)
  9. 12. Quickly putting and removing a food in boiling water
  10. 14. Try a small amount of your food once it’s cooked to see if it tastes good
  11. 15. Cook a liquid so that it becomes thicker
  12. 16. Cut a food
  13. 19. Fry a food in a small amount of oil while moving it in the pan
  14. 21. Cook a food by putting it in a boiling liquid (like water or stock)
  15. 22. Put a food in a container, plastic wrap, or plastic zip-lock bag so that no air can get into the food and no air can get out of the container
  16. 25. Cook a food in hot oil
  17. 27. Cook a food quickly at a high temperature so that the outside of it becomes brown