Common Computer Terms

  1. 5. Contains the Start button, the clock and currently running tasks.
  2. 6. Can be represented by a range of symbols, usually round dots, which are used to set apart points in paragraph style.
  3. 9. An organised collection of related information.
  4. 11. The physical components of the computer system eg keyboard, mouse, speakers etc.
  5. 12. The orientation of the document when printed; wider than it is long.
  6. 17. A toolbar contain buttons with that can be clicked to provide a shortcut to tasks.
  7. 18. The orientation of the document when printed; longer than it is wide.
  8. 19. To change the look of a document, text, graphics, characters.
  9. 20. Hardware devices which are attached to the computer eg printer, speakers, scanner etc.
  10. 21. A facility, which allows the user to make columns with or without borders, can be used instead of tabulating.
  11. 22. Text files that visited Web sites store on you computer’s hard disk.
  12. 24. The process of taking (exporting) data from an application, i.e. a database, and placing it into another application, i.e. a spreadsheet
  13. 25. Paragraph alignment: left, centre, right or fully justified.
  14. 26. A cell or range reference in a formula whose location remains the same (absolute) when copied.
  15. 29. Software applications that expand a browser’s basic capabilities by becoming extensions of the browser itself.
  16. 33. Notation that you create to list sites you visit often or would like to quickly return to.
  17. 34. A spreadsheet file containing one or more worksheets
  18. 35. The process of bringing (importing) data into an application which has been exported from another application
  19. 36. engine A tool to help locate information on the Internet.
  20. 38. With reference to printing is the physical port on PC the printing device is connected to.
  21. 40. The process of asking a question of a database. Queries are used to view, change, and analyse data in different ways
  22. 41. When your text reaches the right-hand margin in a document it automatically starts on the next line.
  23. 42. The etiquette rules of the Internet.
  24. 43. page The main or introductory Web page for a site.
  25. 44. All the characters in a particular typeface.
  26. 45. The act of copying information from a distant computer to your local computer.
  1. 1. A rude or inflammatory e-mail message.
  2. 2. The location where new e-mail messages arrive.
  3. 3. An equation that performs operations on worksheet data.
  4. 4. Two or more computers connected together for the sharing of resources such as printers and drives.
  5. 7. Allows the user to reverse the last action performed.
  6. 8. Software you can use free of charge for a trial period, usually 30 days, after which time you are expected to pay for the program.
  7. 10. A process where the words in a document are matched against a list of words in a dictionary. If a word in the document does not match one, it is signalled as a spelling error.
  8. 13. The name of a particular Internet site.
  9. 14. Computerized worksheet on which text, numbers and formulas can be entered for fast, accurate calculations.
  10. 15. A software program that translates and allows you to view HTML files.
  11. 16. Operating systems and applications use a general system call to operate hardware devices. The driver is a software routine that translates it into the specific instructions needed to control the hardware device.
  12. 21. A document that can be used as a pattern for creating other similar documents.
  13. 22. The rectangles created at the intersection of columns and rows.
  14. 23. To locate the cause of trouble and removes, fixes or treats it.
  15. 26. Files that are sent separately from, but attached to, an e-mail message.
  16. 27. A facility in operating system to store items of text or graphics when they have been cut or copied, so they can be pasted to a different location.
  17. 28. Programs: a series of instructions that tell the computer hardware what to do; can also be the interface between the user and the computer system.
  18. 30. To copy files to another media as a precautionary measure, in case the first media fails
  19. 31. A program that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs without your consent. Most viruses can also replicate themselves
  20. 32. The process of merging a main document with a data source to produce form letters
  21. 37. The location where browsers keep a copy of recently visited pages.
  22. 39. A predefined formula that performs calculations by using specific values, called arguments