Common Law

  1. 3. The accused person's claim
  2. 5. Not guilty
  3. 9. The person alleged to have committed a crime
  4. 10. No man shall be imprisoned without charge
  5. 11. 12 people chosen to decide whether evidence proves guilt
  6. 14. A famous water meadow
  7. 16. The decision of the judge
  8. 17. A very experienced lawyer
  9. 18. Where the public sit and watch
  10. 19. Signed by King John guaranteeing equality under the law
  11. 21. Precious fabric used to make robes for barristers
  12. 22. Speaks on behalf of the jury
  13. 23. A medieval practice of setting a task to determine whether the accused is guilty
  14. 25. The part of the courtroom where the accused stands
  15. 27. Relevant information to prove the guilt of the accused
  16. 29. Wooden frame to secure the head and hands of a medieval criminal
  17. 31. A member of the jury
  18. 32. If the criminal did it
  19. 35. The zodiac symbol that represents Justice
  1. 1. A prisoner
  2. 2. A terrible person
  3. 3. Making a decision based on previous judgments
  4. 4. Has to prove the accused is guilty
  5. 6. Makes decisions on petty offenses
  6. 7. Another name for the accused
  7. 8. The setting for the trial
  8. 12. The country where Common Law comes from
  9. 13. Expert on the law who has studied cases
  10. 15. Someone else's hair, possibly even a horse's
  11. 20. Someone found guilty of a crime
  12. 24. To say you didn't do it
  13. 26. What someone else said
  14. 28. Guides the jury and determines penalty for the crime
  15. 30. Swearing to tell the truth
  16. 33. Process to determine if someone is guilty
  17. 34. The barrier in front of judges that lawyers stand behind to speak