Commonly Missed Words

  1. 4. a contraction of you and are
  2. 5. a preposition and means next to
  3. 7. you're laying flat on a bed
  4. 9. you are in the middle of the group
  5. 11. used to refer to a number among things that are counted
  6. 14. used show location, distance, or motion
  7. 15. belonging to an object previously
  8. 18. pointing or showing to a certain spot
  9. 19. day how often you may go to a coffee shop
  10. 20. to put something on a table or flat surface
  11. 21. you have ownership over something
  12. 23. a verb meaning "to produce an effect upon"
  13. 24. adverb that means also, more, or very
  1. 1. you are setting something down flat
  2. 2. contraction of they and are
  3. 3. to agree to do something
  4. 6. a noun meaning "a change that results when something is done or happens
  5. 8. how often you use your phone
  6. 10. number after one
  7. 12. to do all of the above but not a certain thing
  8. 13. a position in a chair
  9. 14. something that belongs to you
  10. 16. referred to quantity or amount among things that are measured
  11. 17. can be a preposition or an adverb and it means furthermore or another thing
  12. 22. a contraction of it and is
  13. 23. something being in or with a group of a few, several or many things