Communicable and Non-communicable diseases

  1. 4. how many levels of prevention there are
  2. 6. one who is well but infected and is capable of being a source of infection
  3. 9. limitation of freedom of movement
  4. 11. taking action during an event
  5. 12. agents ability to produce disease
  6. 14. is the element that must be present for disease to occur
  7. 16. Cause of disease
  8. 18. planning and taking action to forestall disease
  9. 19. Number one killer in America
  10. 20. any susceptible organism
  1. 1. in this model human host is pictured in the center
  2. 2. a living organism, such as mosquito, fly, or tick that causes the disease
  3. 3. the killing of communicable agents outside of the host
  4. 5. nonliving objects by which communicable agents are transferred
  5. 7. ability to fight off the disease
  6. 8. refers to the ability of a biological agent to enter and grow in a host
  7. 10. Fifth leading cause of death in United States
  8. 13. uprooting or total elimination of a disease from the human population
  9. 15. person who has the disease
  10. 17. disease for which the reservoir resides in animal population