communication vocab easy

  1. 4. this type of communication accounts for 3/4 or more of all communication
  2. 6. instead of these, use 'ands'
  3. 7. show that you empathize
  4. 8. being ____ helps people trust you
  5. 9. pay ______
  6. 12. make good contact using these
  7. 13. use people's names and show you remember things about them
  8. 16. relax this to show you are open to what someone is saying
  9. 17. do it two or more times
  10. 18. Know your ___ when you are communicating
  11. 20. use a ____ sandwich to give good feedback
  1. 1. rigid, fixed
  2. 2. not fake
  3. 3. these questions help you understand
  4. 5. real, true
  5. 8. give and receive this to give and get responses
  6. 10. considering other points of view
  7. 11. say it in your own words
  8. 14. has an impact
  9. 15. this type of listening is key in good communication
  10. 19. it's not just your words that matter, it's your _____ language