Communism in China

  1. 2. The head of the Tibetan government.
  2. 6. The act of setting oneself on fire, Some Tibetans used that to pressure China to make Tibet independent.
  3. 8. Was under British Control during the Opium Wars, became a Chinese territory in 1997, and was mostly influenced by capitalism.
  4. 10. Location of Tiananmen square.
  5. 13. Mao Zedong's successor, had a different vision of communism, well known for China's economic success.
  6. 14. An ideology in which businesses are owned privately. United States is influenced by that ideology.
  7. 15. The act of colonizing and annexing land.
  8. 17. Founded Kuomintang in 1915, won many accolades from world leaders including Vladmir Lenin.
  9. 19. First Leader of the Chinese Communist Party during the Chinese Civil War.
  1. 1. A sense of pride and willingness for their nation.
  2. 3. The Chinese Nationalist Party, eventually became democratized in the Chinese Civil War.
  3. 4. Location where Mao Zedong announced the foundation of Communist China after the Chinese Civil War, there was a massacre in 1989.
  4. 5. Where most Uyghurs live.
  5. 7. The act of working together and working in communes.
  6. 9. Leader of the Kuomintang during the Chinese Civil War.
  7. 11. Many KMT refugees, and eventually the government had fled to that island. Has a capitalist ideology.
  8. 12. An ideology in which the means of production is public to the community. The Soviet Union and China are influenced by that ideology.
  9. 16. A minority ethnic group in China, are usually treated unfairly for being Muslim.
  10. 18. Located next to China, majorly a Buddhist nation.