
  1. 1. - Engaging in organized efforts and campaigns to promote social, political, and economic change that benefits women.
  2. 3. - Promoting self-confidence, autonomy, and agency among women to pursue their goals and dreams.
  3. 6. - Promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being among women through self-care, support, and education.
  4. 8. - Building meaningful relationships and bonds with other women based on shared experiences and interests.
  5. 11. - Providing guidance, advice, and support to younger or less experienced women in the community to help them grow and succeed.
  6. 14. - Working together with other women to achieve shared objectives or address collective issues.
  7. 15. - Ensuring that all women, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or ability, feel welcome and valued in the community.
  8. 16. - Demonstrating strength, perseverance, and determination in overcoming obstacles and adversity within the community.
  9. 18. - Coming together as a cohesive and inclusive community to uplift, empower, and support one another.
  10. 19. - Reaching out to marginalized or underserved women within the community to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are addressed.
  11. 20. - Unity and mutual support among women in the face of common challenges or injustices.
  1. 2. - Providing assistance, encouragement, and resources to other women in the community.
  2. 4. - Sharing knowledge, skills, and information among women to empower them to make informed decisions and pursue their interests.
  3. 5. - Recognizing and honoring the achievements, milestones, and contributions of women within the community.
  4. 7. - Speaking up and taking action on behalf of women's rights, equality, and well-being within the community.
  5. 9. - Building and maintaining professional or social connections with other women for mutual support and opportunity-sharing.
  6. 10. - Encouraging and supporting women to take on leadership roles and positions of influence within the community.
  7. 12. space - Creating an environment where women feel comfortable, respected, and free to express themselves without fear of judgment or harm.
  8. 13. - Embracing and celebrating the varied backgrounds, perspectives, and identities of women within the community.
  9. 17. - Strong bond and sense of kinship among women, characterized by trust, loyalty, and camaraderie.