Community Acquired Pneumonia Protocol

  1. 5. Type of pneumonia studied in this presentation
  2. 7. Anti-infective in class of tetracyclines
  3. 8. Nosocomial infection to consider in patients with "severe" CAP admitted to ICU
  4. 10. Pneumonia infections with differing symptoms and identifier
  5. 11. Comorbidity with highest risk of CAP hospitalization
  6. 13. Patients assessed with a CURB-65 score of 2 are considered to have ____________ CAP
  7. 14. ______________ conjugate vaccine
  8. 16. Very common symptom of pneumonia
  9. 17. Accumulation of these cells and fluid show as pulmonary opacities on a chest X-ray
  1. 1. Anti-infective in class of 3rd generation cephalosporins
  2. 2. Most common and most serious type of pneumonia
  3. 3. % 30-day mortality risk for patients with CURB-65 score of 4
  4. 4. People older than this age are at increased risk of acquiring pneumonia
  5. 6. Needs to be done if azithromycin or moxifloxacin is ordered
  6. 9. What does the "C" stand for in CURB-65?
  7. 10. When patient's temperature is less than 38C
  8. 12. Bacteria that causes Legionnaire's Disease
  9. 15. Studies were done to see if CURB-65 score could be applied to this disease