Community Nursing

  1. 2. How many syringes would you need to set up a tray to take normal weekly bloods and flush a single lumen CVAD
  2. 3. What does the second C stand for in CCN if the other C stands for community?
  3. 6. What does the A stand for in IVAB?
  4. 7. Name a type of CVAD that doesn't always have a clamp and can be inserted without an anaesthetic
  5. 10. Most common type of leukaemia
  6. 11. A type of syndrome that often affects the left side of the heart, beginning with H
  7. 14. What do you need from an NGT to ensure it is the correct position?
  8. 15. What might a child need if their HB was low?
  9. 16. What is the overgrowth of tissue called that can occur around a gastrostomy site?
  10. 17. True or false the CCN service is only mon-fri?
  11. 18. Name the special school some of our children go to in Farnham
  12. 21. The word used when a child has a temperature and is neutropencic
  1. 1. A needle is used to access this device under the skin to take bloods what is the device called?
  2. 4. A common childhood cancer beginning with N
  3. 5. What do we often monitor on prem babies at home oxygen ..........?
  4. 7. What might an oncology child be low in if they had bleeding gums?
  5. 8. What is the low dose chemotherapy we can give to children at home?
  6. 9. What is the name of the device in a child's stomach that can be used to feed them?
  7. 12. What is the saline strength we use to flush central lines and canulas 0. what percentage
  8. 13. The name of the care recieved when a child is reaching the end of their life
  9. 19. Does the PH need to be above or below 5.5 to confirm the position of NGT?
  10. 20. True or false, do you need to check the PH of a gastrostomy button becore and after changing it?