Community Vocabulary

  1. 3. Educational institutions that provide instruction and learning opportunities for children and adults in a community.
  2. 5. capital The networks, relationships, and trust that exist within a community, which can facilitate cooperation and collective action.
  3. 6. The act of supporting or promoting a cause or issue in order to bring about change or improvements within a community.
  4. 7. businesses Commercial enterprises that operate within a specific community, serving the needs of local residents.
  5. 8. engagement The active participation and involvement of community members in addressing local issues and shaping their shared environment.
  6. 10. The presence of different races, ethnicities, religions, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds within a community.
  7. 16. The statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, race, income, and education level.
  8. 18. The process of redevelopment or renovation within a community, often leading to increased property values and the displacement of lower-income residents.
  9. 20. The systems, services, and facilities that enable the movement of people and goods within a community.
  10. 22. groups Groups of people who donate their time and skills to support or improve their community.
  11. 23. A distinct area within a larger community, often defined by geographic boundaries or shared characteristics.
  12. 24. A group of people who live in the same area and share common characteristics, interests, or goals.
  1. 1. The ability of a community to meet its current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  2. 2. The act of working together towards a common goal or purpose, often involving various stakeholders within a community.
  3. 4. The various types of residential buildings and living accommodations available within a community.
  4. 8. The customs, traditions, and way of life that are shared by a community.
  5. 9. The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for a community to function, such as roads, utilities, and public services.
  6. 11. participation The active involvement of citizens in the democratic processes and decision-making that affect their community.
  7. 12. leaders Individuals or groups who hold positions of influence and responsibility within a community.
  8. 13. The ability of a community to withstand and recover from challenges, such as natural disasters, economic downturns, or social upheaval.
  9. 14. planning The process of designing and managing the physical and social development of a community, particularly in urban areas.Rural communities Communities located in non-urban, predominantly agricultural or natural areas.
  10. 15. spaces -Areas within a community that are accessible and open to the public, such as parks, plazas, and community centers.
  11. 17. development The process of improving the economic, social, and environmental conditions within a community.
  12. 19. organizations Organizations that are not driven by the goal of making a profit, but rather by a mission to serve the community.
  13. 21. The total number of people living within a defined geographic area, such as a community, city, or country.