¿Cómo es tu rutina?

  1. 2. I dry my hair
  2. 3. I put on makeup
  3. 4. I take a shower quickly
  4. 7. When do you go to bed?
  5. 12. We dry our hair
  6. 17. I brush my teeth
  7. 20. She paints her nails
  8. 21. I fall asleep right away
  9. 22. What time do you take a shower?
  10. 23. You get dressed
  1. 1. He gets up slowly
  2. 4. I wake up
  3. 5. They get ready for school
  4. 6. I get dressed slowly
  5. 8. We wash our hands
  6. 9. You brush your teeth
  7. 10. They wake up early
  8. 11. She fixes her hair
  9. 13. Do you get ready fast?
  10. 14. I shave
  11. 15. She goes to bed
  12. 16. He gets up
  13. 18. I fix my hair
  14. 19. When do you wake up?