
  1. 3. sentence Has a subject and verb and is a complete thought.
  2. 7. The state of being alone.
  3. 8. To find things that are the same.
  4. 9. Serious study of a subject to discover new facts about it.
  5. 11. To find things that are different.
  6. 13. A person who studies history
  7. 15. Not the same.
  8. 17. To recognize someone
  9. 18. Someone you do not know.
  1. 1. Close to a number, but not exactly.
  2. 2. A way of giving a task to a large group of people.
  3. 4. However, but, even though.
  4. 5. An advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something.
  5. 6. Putting people or things into groups according to type, level, etc.
  6. 8. A group of car owners who take turns driving.
  7. 10. The state of being alone and feeling sad about it.
  8. 12. Almost the same.
  9. 14. adjective Word that shows relationship between two things or people.
  10. 16. An amount of money you pay