Telescope Green 3

  1. 3. what do mammals eat
  2. 4. what you do in the park
  3. 6. where you can find books
  4. 8. baby dog
  5. 10. cold blooded animals
  6. 13. where people live and work
  7. 16. warm blooded animals
  8. 17. a baby lion
  9. 18. their job is to make food
  10. 21. some animals can kill with this
  11. 22. they put put fires
  12. 23. some reptiles have this to protect them
  1. 1. people you live with
  2. 2. works at a school
  3. 5. where you keep your clothes
  4. 7. use again
  5. 9. people you play with
  6. 11. a baby pig
  7. 12. works in a hospital
  8. 14. using less
  9. 15. a baby sheep
  10. 16. where you buy food
  11. 19. some snakes have this
  12. 20. a baby cat