Complete the Crossword to Find Your RAK!

  1. 2. Prone to allowing fluids or gases to escape
  2. 6. Burden or bond connecting two entities
  3. 8. Something vital or central to solving a puzzle
  4. 9. Outline of urban architecture seen from afar
  5. 12. Response signaling agreement or affirmation
  6. 13. A small act of kindness that can brighten someone's day
  7. 15. Polished and stylish, often describing modern designs
  8. 17. The opposite of selfishness, often linked to RAKs
  9. 18. An activity where you help others for no personal gain
  10. 20. A common phrase that encourages random acts of kindness
  11. 21. Limitless expanse, visible above, often blue or cloudy
  1. 1. Highly probable, though not certain
  2. 3. Something you might leave for a stranger to find as a RAK
  3. 4. The word for doing something nice without expecting anything in return
  4. 5. Majestic animal known for its antlered crown
  5. 7. This term describes a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
  6. 10. Fine strand protecting the eye, commonly curled
  7. 11. Street-rider's platform on wheels, often used for tricks
  8. 14. Revolution A movement that promotes kindness in everyday life
  9. 16. What you call a selfless act that benefits others
  10. 17. Framework that supports a structure, often hidden
  11. 19. A feeling often associated with performing a RAK