Complications of diabetes mellitus in childern

  1. 3. complication of diabetes during gestation is known as ----'diabetes?
  2. 6. which entetoviridae family virus can cause type1 diabetes
  3. 8. Drug of choice diabetes mellitus 2
  4. 12. blood sample taken before food for sugar levels
  5. 13. condtion defined as high level of glucose
  6. 15. complication of diabetis affecting retina os diabetic------?
  7. 17. late complication of Diabetis mellitus
  8. 19. most common symptom of diabetis in children
  9. 21. intermediate acting insulin
  10. 22. diabetic condition with presence of ketone bodies
  11. 24. therapy used treat diabetes
  12. 26. frequent episodes of ketoacidosis is known as
  13. 27. which congenital syndrome can cause diabetic mellitus
  14. 28. what affect does diabetes have on kidney
  15. 31. cell that produces insulin
  1. 1. type 1 diabetes formerly known as
  2. 2. condition defined as low level of glucose
  3. 4. device used for testing glucose
  4. 5. complication of diabetes related to heart
  5. 7. what happens to the sight during Diabetic mellitus
  6. 9. blood sample taken at random time for test blood sugar levels
  7. 10. which specialist of pediatric branch should you consult with for diabetic patient
  8. 11. what kind of childre are at more risk for diabetes mellitus
  9. 12. short acting insulin
  10. 14. most common type of diabetes in children
  11. 16. diabetes caused by genetic mutation
  12. 18. in ketoacidosis what is found in urine
  13. 20. compication of diabetes related to nerves
  14. 23. long acting insulin
  15. 25. rapid acting insulin
  16. 29. which organ produces insulin
  17. 30. diabetes is divides into howmany types