Components of Airway Resistance

  1. 1. What kind of airflow is more abundant when you breath through your nose?
  2. 5. As the pressure gradient increases, the ___ rate increases (in laminar flow)
  3. 6. This respiratory condition is a result of narrowing of the airways that ends up increasing resistance
  4. 7. This has smaller radii when there's resistance on airflow
  5. 10. This zone allows gas exchange
  6. 12. One of the main components of the respiratory zone
  7. 15. When resistance is lower, the airflow is more ____
  8. 16. In the ____ zone air moves by bulk flow
  9. 17. Which molecule moves towards the alveolar walls during diffusion in the respiratory zone?
  10. 18. Resistance can result from friction between the gas and the tube ___
  11. 19. What does the parallel arrangement of the respiratory bronchioles affect that helps reduce resistance to airflow?
  12. 20. The ___ of the gas affects how the gas particles are interacting
  13. 21. Resistance is ___ in the upper respiratory tract
  1. 2. this is the measure of the difficulty of flow
  2. 3. Bronchioles have a thinner layer of ____
  3. 4. Carbon dioxide moves ___ from the alveolar walls during gas exchange
  4. 5. Resistance results from this between the particles that are moving
  5. 8. bronchi have more of what type of tissue than bronchioles?
  6. 9. these bronchioles are thin walled and transition into respiratory bronchioles
  7. 11. Respiratory bronchioles have ___ radii
  8. 13. When branching of the bronchioles increase, resistance ___
  9. 14. This has a lower proportion of smooth muscle than the bronchioles