Compound Adjectives

  1. 4. You are not easily hurt by criticism
  2. 5. to make good decisions in hard times
  3. 7. Concentrating on only one aim/purpose
  4. 11. Very determined to do what you want to do
  5. 14. Friendly, doesn't get angry easily
  6. 15. Not willing to change their opinions
  7. 16. Somewhat aloof or reserved, cold
  8. 17. Not determined enough to succeed
  9. 19. Thinks of him/herself more important
  10. 20. Forgetful or inattentive
  1. 1. Often annoyed, angry, or impatient
  2. 2. Gets angry easily for no good reason
  3. 3. Accepts ideas and different lifestyles
  4. 6. Don’t feel sorry about people’s suffering
  5. 8. Not willing to accept ideas and lifestyles
  6. 9. Worried about what other people think
  7. 10. Values their career
  8. 12. Not usually worried about stuff
  9. 13. A person who does a lot of work
  10. 18. Too sure about yourself and your abilities