compound interest

  1. 3. a person or organization that lends money
  2. 7. the value of an investment or loan on a date before the end of the term
  3. 9. the interest paid on the principal and its accumulated interest
  4. 10. the final value of an investment, including the principal and the accumulated interst. also called the future value.
  5. 11. a feture of the TI-83 plus/84 plus calculators that is used for financial calculations.
  1. 1. the lenght of time for which interest is calculated before being accumulated interest
  2. 2. the number that is multiplied by the principal when caluculating is accumulated value
  3. 4. the money paid on a loan or investment. a percent of the principal.
  4. 5. to sell an investment at a value less than its usual price
  5. 6. the value of the initial investment or laon.
  6. 8. the value of an investment or loan at the end of the term