Compound Words

  1. 2. When the circle in the sky is big and bright at night.
  2. 5. When something is planned for a long period of time.
  3. 8. The first thing you do when you get to a Hotel.
  4. 10. Kelly came back from the store with nothing, she was_______.
  5. 11. A place where the family sits to eat dinner together.
  6. 13. A place where planes land.
  7. 14. When someone comes in second place.
  1. 1. A place where books can be purchased.
  2. 3. Traveling from a far place to another one.
  3. 4. Worn on your back to school.
  4. 6. This can be used in the dark to see.
  5. 7. An equipment used to wash your clothes at home.
  6. 9. Mobile device used to make calls.
  7. 10. Everything shakes when this happens.
  8. 12. A card with all your grades at the end of the school term.