Comprehensive Vocab Review

  1. 3. Describes something that is very complicated or detailed
  2. 5. A retired person who receives an income.
  3. 6. Sandpaper is very _____________.
  4. 8. Something to do if you need to save money.
  5. 9. Giving an impression something harmful/evil is happening/will happen
  6. 10. If you and someone else write to each other, you are said to ___________.
  7. 12. If your friends start to constantly behave in ways that frustrate you, they might soon ________________ you.
  8. 14. A levee is a kind of _________________.
  9. 15. Someone who is obsessed with making money and who helps no one less fortunate might be called this.
  10. 17. If you always help others no matter what the situation, you might be praised for your ________________.
  11. 18. Someone who believes everything you tell them might be said to have too much of this.
  12. 19. You do this when you don't agree and/or when you think something will fail.
  13. 20. Something that is done repeatedly is ________________.
  1. 1. You do this to others when they are going through a difficult time.
  2. 2. Patience is an example of this vocabulary word.
  3. 4. You will consider your plan __________ if it is not set in stone.
  4. 7. Studying all night would take both physical and mental ___________.
  5. 11. Hitler is an example of an ______________ leader.
  6. 13. Feeling sorry for doing something wrong & intending not to do it again
  7. 16. A fan who comes to every game of a particular team could be called this.