- 3. makes computer games lots more fun
- 5. is an input device
- 7. tool remove what ever we donot want on screen
- 14. is used to select colours in mspaint
- 15. helps us to take photographs
- 16. saves our time
- 18. is used to draw lines
- 20. saves our data
- 1. helps us to take printout
- 2. is a pointing device
- 4. is used for typing
- 5. are used to draw strokes
- 6. is an output device
- 8. display what we type
- 9. is used to record voice
- 10. is a machine
- 11. is used to go from one place to another on screen
- 12. show us time
- 13. is used for drawing
- 17. is a brain of computer
- 19. cycle is used in computer