
  1. 2. the thing to produce sound
  2. 4. the thing to display computer
  3. 5. the name of pocket-size device everyone uses
  4. 8. the opposite of download
  5. 12. the name of operating system computer usually uses
  6. 14. famous mobile app that people use with phone number to chat
  7. 15. general name for computer program
  8. 17. a small rectangular device for storage usually 4gb or 8gb or 16gb or 32gb
  9. 18. software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a computer
  10. 19. to put data in computer
  11. 20. the name of website to watch video online
  12. 21. tool to navigate computer
  13. 24. famous photo and video sharing media sosial
  14. 28. microsoft product to make slides
  15. 30. a device to give us document
  16. 32. malicious code that appears like a useful program
  17. 33. thing to type characters to computer
  18. 34. talking to other people who are using the Internet at the same time you are
  19. 35. application software for accessing web
  1. 1. a device to put books or paper to computer
  2. 3. the name for smartphone operating system by google
  3. 6. microsoft product to make document
  4. 7. google product to make document
  5. 9. opposite of input
  6. 10. the name of famous laptop or computer or phone brand from taiwan
  7. 11. a wireless network for phone laptop computer
  8. 13. electronic mail
  9. 15. the name of the command that the user will click when the user doesnt want to use the computer anymore
  10. 16. short for "application"
  11. 19. a worldwide network that computer use
  12. 22. www
  13. 23. connects all of the component in a computer
  14. 25. very basic text editing software on windows
  15. 26. the primary processor of graphics
  16. 27. the name of a device to insert voice
  17. 29. the name of a software to make table
  18. 31. the thing that is needed by the computer to run and to think
  19. 36. short term memory for computer