
  1. 1. where the images you choose or want to see, displayed
  2. 4. what item is essential for connecting external devices to your computer
  3. 6. what is the screen of a computer called
  4. 11. what tool(s) compress a computer system
  5. 12. what device makes sound from your computer
  6. 13. what word describes restarting your device
  7. 14. what do you type on to make words appear on the monitor
  1. 2. what part of the computer executes all given commands
  2. 3. what do you use to navigate around your computer
  3. 5. what category does google fall into
  4. 7. what organizes all of your computer information
  5. 8. what is a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns
  6. 9. what device allows you to make a paper copy of the information on your computer
  7. 10. what allows you to type on the keyboard
  8. 15. what circular disk holds large amounts of data