
  1. 1. Connects you online with other people
  2. 3. a huge company that works with computers
  3. 6. the name of a link
  4. 8. what moves your cursor
  5. 9. personal computer
  6. 11. another big company that works with handheld devices and computers
  7. 12. the screen on a PC
  8. 13. Information in the computer
  9. 14. the small arrow that you use to click things
  1. 2. a smaller handheld device
  2. 3. a large handheld device
  3. 4. A board with keys to type
  4. 5. a browser to search things up
  5. 6. world wide web
  6. 7. famous computer teacher
  7. 9. Projects images bigger
  8. 10. not playable controller