
  1. 4. A digital document or piece of information stored on a computer
  2. 6. A network of computers that allows you to search for information, play games, and more
  3. 8. Programs or applications that run on a computer
  4. 10. A small device that you move on a surface to control the cursor on the screen
  5. 11. A harmful program that can damage or disrupt a computer
  6. 12. A screen that displays pictures and text from the computer
  7. 13. A computer that sits on a desk and consists of a monitor, keyboard, and mouse
  1. 1. The physical components of a computer, like the keyboard, mouse, and monitor
  2. 2. A board with buttons that you press to type letters and numbers
  3. 3. A device that puts text or pictures from a computer onto paper
  4. 5. A collection of web pages that you can visit on the Internet
  5. 7. A portable computer that you can carry around
  6. 9. An electronic way of sending messages to people over the Internet