
  1. 4. Meaning of 'L' in URL?
  2. 6. Which device is works as an input and output?
  3. 8. Shortcut key to close MS Word 365 document
  4. 9. where was India's first computer installed?
  5. 11. An image of computer screen is made of?
  6. 14. what is half byte called?
  7. 15. Brain of a computer system
  8. 18. American standard code for information interchange
  9. 19. Ctrl, Shift and ALT keys are called?
  10. 20. Geometric arrangement of devices on network
  1. 1. Collection of 8 bits
  2. 2. Which company developed the quiz time format
  3. 3. Easy web search engine
  4. 5. Temporary memory or volatile memory
  5. 7. JKJO
  6. 10. Other name of programmed chip
  7. 12. IC used in computer chip
  8. 13. Main screen of a computer
  9. 16. Non-volatile memory can be written only once
  10. 17. Smallest unit of memory