
  1. 1. – Essential for efficient NFV
  2. 3. – NFV reduces reliance on this
  3. 4. – Acronym for Network Function Virtualization
  4. 6. – A benefit of NFV
  5. 7. – Key to scalability in NFV
  6. 9. platform used to manage NFV environments
  7. 11. – Virtual Network Function
  8. 12. – Management and Orchestration
  9. 13. – Repeated as it fits both clues
  1. 1. – The primary industry using NFV
  2. 2. – Ensures VNFs operate efficiently
  3. 4. – Protocol managing communication
  4. 5. – Pertaining to virtual environments
  5. 8. – Virtualized Network Function
  6. 10. – Where virtual appliances are hosted