Computer Anatomy

  1. 2. Detect light and send signals
  2. 5. Switches inside a microprocessor
  3. 8. any piece of hardware used by the computer
  4. 9. any device where data is stored
  5. 15. Allows computer to multi task (RAM)
  6. 17. Checks what operation is to be carried out
  7. 19. Mice and keyboards are examples of ......devices
  8. 20. One of the major CPU manufactures
  1. 1. Requires the use of computers input/output channels
  2. 3. Telling us how it responds
  3. 4. USB means...
  4. 6. Responsible for processing instructions
  5. 7. ROM means....
  6. 10. Programs, files, and data stored on hard rive
  7. 11. Intakes program instructions and sends it to Decode
  8. 12. Displays what the computer is doing
  9. 13. Computers connected to each other
  10. 14. Creates output from input (analyzes and utilizes data)
  11. 16. Speakers and printers are examples of......devices
  12. 18. The dot on the score board