- 4. basic hardware of a computer
- 5. pass instructions
- 8. what is a CPU
- 10. uses calculators to do math
- 15. A type of output device
- 17. volatile how data is stored in ROM
- 18. Parts of your computer to receive power and communicate with one another
- 20. a type of input device
- 21. retireves program instructions
- 1. one of the main factors of the CPU
- 2. A type of secondary storage
- 3. a output device
- 6. switches in a microphone
- 7. what does ROM stand for
- 9. the dot on the score board
- 11. how data is stored in RAM
- 12. what you receive out of a system
- 13. what you put into a system to function
- 14. one of the major CPU manufactures
- 16. to display to your monitor
- 19. a type of primary storage