- 1. the creation of an image by a user
- 4. similar to a mouse but used for gaming
- 7. copies audio and video on your computer
- 9. used to connect to the internet
- 10. type of printer for graphics
- 12. anything that comes out of the computer which gives a result
- 13. devices connected to the computer
- 16. software written for computers
- 17. what computers are connected together on
- 20. used to type with
- 22. amount of space to hold things on your computer
- 24. to enter information by a program or a device
- 26. this tells the computer what to do
- 27. copies an image of something into the computer
- 29. used to navigate on a computer
- 2. an operating system for a computer
- 3. a document
- 5. generates sound from a computer
- 6. disk storage disks before a CD and a USB
- 8. what a computer does when its using a program
- 11. indicates the use of pictures (icons) and colours
- 14. a device allowing a user to communicate with the computer
- 15. used to get things from the computer onto paper
- 18. small files in the computer used to hold other files
- 19. Type of memory space
- 21. Opposite of analog
- 23. the smallest unit a computer can work with
- 25. person controlling the computer
- 27. used to produce an image on your computer
- 28. used to quickly access files