Computer Awareness

  1. 1. the creation of an image by a user
  2. 4. similar to a mouse but used for gaming
  3. 7. copies audio and video on your computer
  4. 9. used to connect to the internet
  5. 10. type of printer for graphics
  6. 12. anything that comes out of the computer which gives a result
  7. 13. devices connected to the computer
  8. 16. software written for computers
  9. 17. what computers are connected together on
  10. 20. used to type with
  11. 22. amount of space to hold things on your computer
  12. 24. to enter information by a program or a device
  13. 26. this tells the computer what to do
  14. 27. copies an image of something into the computer
  15. 29. used to navigate on a computer
  1. 2. an operating system for a computer
  2. 3. a document
  3. 5. generates sound from a computer
  4. 6. disk storage disks before a CD and a USB
  5. 8. what a computer does when its using a program
  6. 11. indicates the use of pictures (icons) and colours
  7. 14. a device allowing a user to communicate with the computer
  8. 15. used to get things from the computer onto paper
  9. 18. small files in the computer used to hold other files
  10. 19. Type of memory space
  11. 21. Opposite of analog
  12. 23. the smallest unit a computer can work with
  13. 25. person controlling the computer
  14. 27. used to produce an image on your computer
  15. 28. used to quickly access files