Computer ecology crossword by Mukesh

  1. 4. Layer: This layer consists of software or firmware, including the hypervisor, that facilitates the creation and management of virtual machines. It abstracts the underlying hardware and allows multiple virtual machines to run independently.
  2. 5. UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit) is a variable-length character encoding scheme for Unicode. It uses 8 bits (1 byte) to represent most common characters, and up to 32 bits (4 bytes) for less common characters. UTF-8 is widely used on the internet and can represent all Unicode characters.
  3. 13. In para-virtualization, the guest operating system is modified to be aware that it is running within a virtualized environment. It provides more efficient communication between the guest OS and the hypervisor.
  4. 16. OS: The host operating system is the operating system running directly on the physical hardware. It manages the virtualization software and provides resources to the virtual machines.
  5. 17. Base64 is an encoding scheme that converts binary data into ASCII characters. It represents binary data using a set of 64 printable characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and two additional characters) to encode 6 bits of binary data at a time. Base64 encoding is commonly used in email attachments, cryptographic applications, and data transmission over the internet.
  1. 1. Also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM), a hypervisor is software or firmware that creates and manages virtual machines (VMs). It enables multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine.
  2. 2. OS: The guest operating system is the operating system installed within a virtual machine. It functions similarly to an operating system on a physical machine but runs within the virtualized environment.
  3. 3. UTF-16 (Unicode Transformation Format 16-bit) is another variable-length character encoding scheme for Unicode. It uses 16 bits (2 bytes) to represent most characters, and up to 32 bits (4 bytes) for less common characters. UTF-16 is used by some operating systems and programming languages.
  4. 5. Unicode is a universal character encoding standard that provides a unique numeric value (code point) for every character in any writing system. It supports characters from various languages and scripts, including Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese, Japanese, and many more. Unicode can be represented using different encoding schemes such as UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32.
  5. 6. Machine (VM): A virtual machine is a software emulation of a physical computer that runs on a host machine. It allows multiple VMs to coexist on the same physical hardware, each with its own operating system and applications.
  6. 7. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding scheme that represents text in computers and other devices. It uses a 7-bit code to represent 128 characters, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and control characters.
  7. 8. Binary encoding uses the base-2 number system to represent information using only two digits, typically 0 and 1. In computers, data is stored and processed in binary format, with each digit (bit) representing a binary value of either 0 or 1.
  8. 9. A snapshot is a saved state or point-in-time copy of a virtual machine. It captures the virtual machine's entire state, including memory, disk, and CPU configurations. Snapshots allow easy restoration to a previous state if needed.
  9. 10. Migration: Live migration is the process of moving a running virtual machine from one physical host to another without causing noticeable downtime or service interruption. It enables workload balancing, hardware maintenance, or system upgrades without affecting running applications.
  10. 11. Metal Virtualization: Also known as Type 1 or native virtualization, bare metal virtualization runs directly on the physical hardware without the need for a host operating system. The hypervisor controls the hardware and manages the virtual machines.
  11. 12. Virtualization: Full virtualization allows unmodified guest operating systems to run on a virtual machine without any modifications. It achieves this by virtualizing the underlying hardware and providing a complete hardware emulation to the guest OS.
  12. 14. Encoding: URL encoding is a method of representing special characters and non-ASCII characters in URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). It replaces reserved characters with percent-encoded representations, where a '%' sign is followed by a hexadecimal representation of the character's ASCII value.
  13. 15. Network: A virtual network is a logical network that connects virtual machines and allows communication between them. It provides connectivity and networking services within the virtualized environment.
  14. 16. Hexadecimal encoding uses the base-16 number system to represent information. It utilizes digits from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F to represent values from 0 to 15. Hexadecimal is often used to represent binary data more concisely, as each hexadecimal digit corresponds to four bits.