Computer Fundamentals Part 2 (Joshua Smith)

  1. 2. sends data to the computer for processing
  2. 4. The Macintosh operating system.
  3. 5. Software used to prepare text documents
  4. 7. very small computing devices.
  5. 9. Replacing software with a newer version
  6. 11. Software that is downloadable for a free trial
  7. 13. Electronic device that accepts data, processes data, stores data, and produces a result.
  8. 14. rapid search and retrieval.
  9. 17. Software applied over software that you already have installed to correct errors.
  10. 19. Software given away by the author
  11. 20. System software that provides an interface between the user or application program and the computer hardware.
  1. 1. Designed to be placed on a desk and modular
  2. 3. Software used to create and edit information to present a slideshow
  3. 6. Software available to the public without cost.
  4. 8. Short for Disk Operating System, first widely installed OS
  5. 10. Battery-powered portable computers
  6. 12. A grid of rows and columns into which you enter text and numerical data
  7. 15. cannot see and touch
  8. 16. gives you the right to install software on a single computer.
  9. 18. physical parts of a computer