Computer Hardware Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. an electrical device that gives electric power to an electric load.
  2. 4. an auxiliary device used to put information into and get information out of a computer.
  3. 6. the main printed circuit board in standard computers and other devices.
  4. 7. a disc drive that uses laser light or electromagnetic waves as part of the process of reading or writing data to or from optical discs.
  5. 9. contains the minimum number of instructions needed by the computer to get started.
  1. 1. a printed circuit board that can be inserted into an electrical connector, or bus slot on a computer's mainboard to add functionality to a computer system.
  2. 2. an open computer section used for expansion add-ons to your computer.
  3. 5. an electro-mechanical digital storage device that stores and retrieves digital data. Data is accessed in a random-matter manner.
  4. 6. One silicon chip that contains CPU, and some memory.
  5. 8. the computer’s source of main memory.