Computer Network

  1. 2. a part of a computer where text and images appear
  2. 3. a small machine or device that does something useful
  3. 4. something that connects, joins, or relates
  4. 5. a person who designs operating systems
  5. 6. protection
  6. 8. harmful program that destroys information on computer
  7. 11. a large system that is connected together
  8. 14. a computer network
  9. 16. machines and devices a computer uses
  10. 17. someone who uses a machine or service
  11. 18. computer programs
  1. 1. a computer program is made ready
  2. 4. a strong thick rope, usually of steel wire
  3. 5. secret entry code
  4. 7. a program that makes possible to read smth on the Net
  5. 9. a box that lets your computer connect to the Internet
  6. 10. a small computer you can take with you
  7. 12. information
  8. 13. long thin pieces of metal that connect parts of the computer
  9. 15. a screen without a keyboard