Computer Networks

  1. 3. (Wide Area Networks) cover a country or a continent.
  2. 5. Topology refers to the shape of a network.
  3. 6. is the standard technology for building wireless LANs and public hotspots.
  4. 7. (Local Area Networks) cover a building.
  5. 8. (Metropolitan Area Networks) cover a campus or a city.
  6. 10. cables are used to connect computers.
  7. 11. Router is a device that connects your computer or home LAN to the Internet.
  8. 12. all data flows through a central switch, acommon connection point for the devices in the network.
  1. 1. all the computers are connected to a main cable or bus.
  2. 2. network two computers are connected by cable to allow file sharing.
  3. 4. networks are used in mobile phone communications.
  4. 5. (Personal Area Networks) typically include a laptop, a mobile phone and a PDA.
  5. 6. networks, however, use electronic waves, such as radio waves, to transmit data.
  6. 9. Protocol is the language or set of rules that computers use to communicate which each other.
  7. 13. all the devices are connected to one another in a continuous loop or ring.