Computer Number

  1. 1. The year of the first mechanical computer created by Charles Babbage
  2. 3. The data size in 3.5 inch HD floppy disk
  3. 4. The first 3 digit number of Localhost IP Address
  4. 6. Binary code for letter 'A' in ASCII
  5. 8. Total character in ASCII
  6. 10. The year of the electric computer keyboard was invented
  7. 11. The year of the first tweet in Twitter
  8. 12. The year internet invented
  9. 14. The first floppy disk physical size (in millimeter)
  10. 15. The year Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates
  11. 16. The year of the first computer mouse was publicly unveiled
  1. 1. The year ENIAC completely built
  2. 2. The year Youtube founded
  3. 3. The year of the first WWW
  4. 4. Binary of 173 in decimal
  5. 5. Total KB in 1 GB
  6. 7. Total Byte in 1 KB
  7. 8. The year Facebook launched
  8. 9. The year of the founder of apple born
  9. 13. ASCII code for 'Space' (in decimal)