Computer Parts

  1. 2. random access memory
  2. 4. to scan or take a picture of the document, digitize the information and present it on the computer screen.
  3. 6. friendly visual environment that allows the user to perform any action without having to have programming knowledge.
  4. 9. a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer
  5. 12. supply provides components with electric power.
  6. 13. the main printed circuit board
  1. 1. s a non-volatile data storage device
  2. 3. an electronic device with a screen used for display
  3. 5. central processing unit
  4. 7. what do you use to printer paper
  5. 8. transducers that convert the computer's audio into audible sound waves.
  6. 10. a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.
  7. 11. an input device that controls a computer screen's cursor or pointer