Computer Parts & Systems

  1. 3. is the box that holds the 'brains' of the computer.
  2. 6. looks like a TV screen and lets you see your work and your files.
  3. 7. the brains of the computer.
  4. 10. protects your computer so that it doesn't get a computer virus. Just like flu viruses get people sick, computer viruses make your computer sick. Viruses can damage information on your computer if you don't have a good antivirus software.
  5. 11. used for typing words and numbers on the computer. Whatever you type on the keyboard, you can see on your monitor.
  6. 12. tells the hardware what to do and how to do it. For example, writing and reading programs, and games might be some types of software you have used before.
  7. 13. let you hear different sounds created by the computer. you can listen to songs and videos that you play on your computer.
  1. 1. Software that processes data for the user For example, Microsoft Word or Google Docs are both word processing programs that let you write book reports, essays, stories, and more Other examples Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  2. 2. where all of your documents are saved.
  3. 4. is the most important program that runs on your computer. It lets the computer's hardware and software work together Examples of operating systems are Microsoft's Windows and Apple's Mac OS.
  4. 5. a software program that you use to view web pages on your computer Examples of browsers are Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.
  5. 8. takes the text and pictures on your screen and prints them onto paper.
  6. 9. lets you point to objects on your screen, click on them, and even move them. Also to scroll through different parts of your screen.