- 3. Developed ENIAC computer
- 4. Creator of the python language
- 7. Inventor of the computer mouse
- 11. Co-Founder of Apple
- 14. Mathematician and logician who introduced a type of algebra
- 15. Mathematician known for *his name*-Turing thesis
- 17. Father of Computer Science
- 18. Inventor of C programming language
- 19. Mathematician who laid the groundwork for digital computers
- 1. Developed the first high level programming language
- 2. Developed "object oriented Programming"
- 5. developed hypertext
- 6. working on UNIX operating system
- 8. Billionaire Microsoft guy
- 9. Concept of modern computer programming
- 10. Computer scientist and Naval Officer
- 12. Created the World Wide Web
- 13. came up with the term Artificial Intelligence
- 16. Concept of stored program on computer.
- 20. First compiler for programming language