Computer Science

  1. 3. Developed ENIAC computer
  2. 4. Creator of the python language
  3. 7. Inventor of the computer mouse
  4. 11. Co-Founder of Apple
  5. 14. Mathematician and logician who introduced a type of algebra
  6. 15. Mathematician known for *his name*-Turing thesis
  7. 17. Father of Computer Science
  8. 18. Inventor of C programming language
  9. 19. Mathematician who laid the groundwork for digital computers
  1. 1. Developed the first high level programming language
  2. 2. Developed "object oriented Programming"
  3. 5. developed hypertext
  4. 6. working on UNIX operating system
  5. 8. Billionaire Microsoft guy
  6. 9. Concept of modern computer programming
  7. 10. Computer scientist and Naval Officer
  8. 12. Created the World Wide Web
  9. 13. came up with the term Artificial Intelligence
  10. 16. Concept of stored program on computer.
  11. 20. First compiler for programming language