Computer Science Unit 1 Terms

  1. 2. / Technological _______________________ is a term that refers to the tendency of devices to take on each other's functions.
  2. 5. / The type of computing that allows sensors to control household settings such as room temperature and lighting.
  3. 6. / A computer that is approximately the size of a legal pad
  4. 7. / The basic storage unit
  5. 8. / Raw material that is input into a computer
  6. 10. / Central Processing Unit
  7. 11. / R_____________ Access Memory
  8. 15. / An electronic, programmable device that can assemble, process, and store data
  9. 16. / A computer whose CPU might be housed in a tower configuration or in some cases within the monitor
  1. 1. / An example of a convergence device that you might use on a daily basis for texting and calling.
  2. 3. / The largest of all computers, including mainframe and server computers
  3. 4. / Type of computer that uses symbols to represent data in the form of code
  4. 9. / Type of computer that uses mechanical operations
  5. 12. / Data is temporarily stored in the computer ______________.
  6. 13. / Flash and Hard drives are types of _____________ devices.
  7. 14. / A light-weight, portable computer