- 3. manages the CPU's operations and controls how data and instructions are loaded and executed by the CPU
- 6. physical components of a computer system
- 7. a device that receives, stores, and processes information
- 8. stores or transfers data
- 9. unit of memory data, group of 8 bits
- 10. worldwide system of computer networks, global network of physical cables
- 12. holds components of a computer together so they can interact
- 17. the component of a computer system that controls the interpretation and execution of instructions
- 18. hardware or software that temporarily stores data
- 19. data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks
- 20. interconnected system of webpages accessible through the internet
- 1. provides intuitive and visual elements for interacting with the computer
- 2. short term memory of a computer where the data currently in use is stored
- 4. text document that contains additional formatting information in a language called HTML
- 5. program that accesses a Web page, interprets its content, and displays the page
- 11. allow the computer to receive data and instructions from external sources
- 13. allows the computer to display or broadcast its results
- 14. Internet-enabled computer that stores Web pages and executes software for providing access to the pages
- 15. manages all application programs in a computer
- 16. used by websites to navigate online content, takes the user to another location