Computer Terms

  1. 1. n. electronic mail; system of sending messages through the internet; e-mail
  2. 6. n. data delivered by a computer (by printer, screen etc) - also v.
  3. 10. n. equipment linked to a computer [eg: printer, scanner, modem, mouse etc]
  4. 12. abbr. What You See Is What You Get [data prints out exactly as on the screen]
  5. 13. n. the mechanical and electronic parts of a computer, not the software
  6. 17. n. software that communicates with hardware, enabling applications to run
  7. 18. n. the programs, routines etc for a computer, not the hardware
  8. 19. n. small, removable magnetic disc for (permanent) storing of data; diskette
  1. 2. n. data entered into a computer (by keyboard, floppy disk etc) - also v.
  2. 3. n. fixed, magnetic disc inside a PC for (permanent) storing of data
  3. 4. n. binary digit, the basic binary unit for storing data, either 0 or 1 - see byte
  4. 5. n. an area in memory used for temporary storage [eg: rapid input from keyboard]
  5. 7. n. software that contains coded instructions to control a computer - also v.
  6. 8. n. the alphanumeric keys or buttons used to input data [QWERTY = 1st 6 keys]
  7. 9. n. 8 bits - kilobyte (approx. 1,000 bytes), megabyte (1 million), gigabyte (1 billion)
  8. 11. n. a program dedicated to a specific task [eg: word processing, graphics etc]
  9. 14. abbr. random access memory [it goes away when one switches off]
  10. 15. n. device that converts data to a form that can be transmitted by telephone etc
  11. 16. n. part of a computer for (temporary) storing of data - see ram
  12. 18. n. the surface area of the visual display unit on which the image is formed